Lamp Offering

Lamp offering (2024 Year-Long Lamp offering / Medicine Buddha Lamp offering / Free-will lamp offering) (Click here for form)

Lighting the lamp signifies enlightenment and wisdom. Offering the lamp to the Buddha not only honors the Buddha, but also helps us to awaken our luminous Buddha nature. With the Buddha’s wisdom and merits lighting our way on the Path, may we realize the Bodhisattva’s spirit within ourselves and illumine all those around us.

According to the Buddhist scriptures, one can obtain many benefits by making a Buddha lamp offering: good health, clarity of vision, purity of mind, freedom from fear and worries, patience and gentleness, perfection of wisdom, extinction of ignorance, and attainment of Buddhahood. We may also dedicate the merits towards harmony in the home, peace in the world, and enlightenment to all.

You can light a lamp in your name (or a name of your choice) for a period of time (Year long lamp offering: from 1/1/2024 to 12/31/2024). This is a great opportunity for us to clear away karmic obstacles, support the precious teaching of the Dharma, and honor the Buddha. Let us all participate in this illuminating and worthy endeavor.

For more information, please call 281-568-1568 or email